Monday, November 5, 2012

My New Story App - I Eat You! - Live!

I'm really happy to announce that I Eat You! is live in Apple's app store! I learned a ton working on this little puppy - I mean fish. And as fate would have it my sister found a typo right after we submitted the app! Dang it! Even after my wife and I went over it a bunch of times! Well - I'm not going to tell you which word it is - you might not be able to find it either - and no this isn't a marketing stunt - I'm not that clever. Anyway - the good thing is I can make the fix and offer it as an update - presto! Can't do that with print...or with Amazon or Pubit ebooks. If you take your file down to replace it on Amazon or B&N you will lose your sales rank - kiss of death if you were getting more example of how Apple thinks things through before they launch.

My next story app will be a bit more complicated - working out the story now - I love working with sound, animation, illustration, and voice! So much fun!

I'd love to get feedback on this app if you decide to check it out. The target age group is about 3-6. As soon as the update goes into effect I'll start submitting it for review. Check it out here.


  1. I just bought the app. My kids (ages 2 & 4) love it! They laughed every time a fish ate another one, and they keep quoting the grandpa line. They are even asking me right now if they can read the fish book again.

    I found two typos, but other than that, I thought it was great! I'm planning a review for it on my picture book blog. It will go up sometime this week.

    Books for Kids

    1. Hi Dena - Thank you for that report - I've already submitted an update for those typos - dang it. We really tried to get it right the first time but sometimes small things slip through the cracks - thank goodness for digital right?

  2. Congrats Will! I hope you have a lot of success with it:)

  3. Hope that it all goes well!

  4. I wanted to let you know that the review is up. You can see it on my blog, Books for Kids.

    Congrats on the app!

    1. Thanks for the review Dena! I thought it was very fair - perhaps a bit generous but I vow to make my next one better. I'll skip the verse and go with prose. I know some of it is a bit forced but I liked the feel of it in verse so I went with it knowing that it would suffer a little. I'm a sucker for rhyme...but - my next story app wouldn't work well in verse so it will be a big change... thanks again!

    2. You're welcome! I really do love it, and it is my kid's favorite book app. I am a sucker for rhyme as well. It is very difficult to write. I'm looking forward to your next app!

  5. Checked it out Will, very cool your illustrations Rock says the ol' man...tomorrow the kids will preview it!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. F.y.i. my kids gobbled your app up!


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