So I'm feeling bad because I can't post any of the images I'm working on right now because my clients feel wierd about letting the cat out of the bag before the projects are published - go figure right? So I was looking for something I could put up and then it occured to me - my pallet! This mound you see before you is constructed out of all of the acrylic paint I've used since 1990! It started out as my friend Carl Wayne's masonite oil pallet which he thought was too big so he cut his in half and tossed it (the piece you see) in the trash. Way back then it was just a flat piece of 1/4 inch board but when I pulled it out of the trash and started using it as my acrylic pallet it began to grow.

There was a time when I was going to discard it - it was growing out of control and I thought it would be easier to work on a new one. But then I looked at it again - all bumpy, lumpy, and full of character. There there lil fella don't you worry - daddy isn't going to abandon you like Carl did. (can you tell it's 2:00am?) So here he is - I figure he's probably middle aged like me - lots of miles but many more ahead. He's been to Maryland, California, technically Nevada and idaho, but mostly he's lived here in Utah. Like I said before of the thousands of paintings I've done he's got parts of all of them in him. Oh, and that arch you see was at the request of my children constantly nagging me to sculpt some form into him - that took about 9 months. I think I'll name him Benjamin since I never had any run-ins with anyone with that name.