So here are some pictures from my trip to Los Angeles where I got to sign "Read Across America" posters for the CTA. As I mentioned a few months ago I was chosen to be their illustrator for a few years. I was also able to take my boys and we enjoyed a warm weekend sans snow.

The conference was held in the Bonaventure hotel - where they filmed part of the chase scene in "True Lies" - the first five levels was mall style shopping.

Then it was time for me to sign posters for the teachers to take back to their schools. My hand told me he signed about 800 but I told him to stop complaining.

Rick and Ryan Zeeb wrote a great book - "Snowpeople" and they sold over 550 copies - behind them is Sheri - the brains behind it all - Diana in front of me the "barker" -and then there's me with that really stupid look on my face - I think that was before I fainted.

My kids had to entertain themselves while I was doin my thang - They didn't get into too much trouble - although they got "told" to leave the 35th floor - only L.A. Prime guests allowed!

On the way home we snaped a few picts at some abandoned roadside dives - and drove into a snowstorm around Beaver - welcome back.