So.....I'm not going to apologize for not posting for such a long time - I've been busy - and again, my clients won't let me show the stuff I've been working on until it's published. I just got back from Chicago - Rick Walton, Guy Francis and I drove to the American Library Association Conference back there. We went to promote ourselves to librarians since they recommend books for awards and consumers. It's an amazing conference/Expo - anything and everything that is used in a library is being pitched, sold, recommended, hucked, and pushed. From furniture to books it's all there - and so were we.

We stayed with Eric Rohmann and Candy Fleming in the suburbs the first night - thanks guys for being such wonderful hosts - they invited publicists, editors, authors, librarians, and a few illustrators to a party - Rick gave schmoozing demos.

Rick put Eric's Caldecott to good use - it was just collecting dust after all.

The view from our hotel - thank you Albert Whitman for putting us up.

We found Laura Seeger signing her books.

My cat allergy wasn't that bad in Chicago.

Guy finally found a hat that fit.

Rick was almost arrested for public intoxication - we convinced the authorities he was writting a book about poles - sequel to Holes.

I got to sign in the Albert Whitman booth.

We found Kristyn's book and took a really stupid picture with it - I don't really know what the purpose was other than to look really stupid - sorry Kristyn - we un-cooled your cool book.

If your in Chicago go here - you can start out your day feeling like you just had breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Why did we go here on a Sunday? and stand infront of this sign? and get our picture taken?

We needed women in our group! WHY OH WHY WEREN'T THERE WOMEN WITH US?!!??!!

I got to sign again at a party.

At the Caldecott banquet we heard from Beth Krommes and Neil Gaimon - great speaches on their medals.

Me and Beth - She asked me what I thought of her limited palette - WOW - she....asked me!

Neil was very excited to have yet another photo taken with two strangers - PUT UP WITH IT NEIL!!! HAHA.

Me and uri shulevitz....WOW!

We came, we conquered, ....we stopped for nothing!!! NOTHING I TELL YOU!!! (It's 1:30 AM)

We thought we had seen it all - then on the drive home.......