Friday, June 19, 2015

Is competition a good thing among artists?

Is competition a good thing among artists? I'd love to hear what you think?


  1. I love the practical, real-world advice you offer. I think competition is essential to success, and so is accountability. In a martial arts class, my friend's instructor had them do a routine facing the wall, then the mirror (self-critique), and then facing the attentive group of parents. He said, "Even when it is your third time and you're tired, when you had an audience, you were better than the first time facing the wall."

    Today is the last day of my self-imposed drawing boot-camp. I had to upload a daily drawing for about four weeks. Some days were better than others, but I have to say, you and Jake Parker have been a huge inspiration.

    Have an awesome Comic-Con and keep up the great work!

    1. That's awesome Carey! And thank you - I'm so glad to be able to inspire a little...I'm inspired by people like you too - who will take a leap of faith, work hard, and improve their abilities!

  2. Hey Will! thanks for all the great insight. I like to listen to your videos while I draw. Just to back up your Walmart comments. Did you know that Walmart just raised their minimum wage to $10 an hour for employees. I can give them credit for that.

    Thanks again for being such a positive, inspiring force in the artist community.


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