Sunday, October 27, 2013

Photoshop Power Day Videos Now Available!

We just wrapped up the most amazing day of learning how to paint in photoshop I've ever been involved in! The video recordings are finished and ready for you to download right NOW - and they'll continue to be 25% off for the next too weeks until November 10th.

It was so much fun to teach and learn from Zac Retz, Brooke Boynton Hughes, and Jake Parker. I have to give a special thank you to all of you who participated LIVE in our virtual GoToMeeting classroom - your questions and comments made it so valuable to me and the other teachers. Thank you for being so patient as we worked through our tech glitches.

Here is my finished demo painting that I made for the class - always fun to have an excuse to paint something just for fun!

You can learn more about the class here or purchase the HD video class right here.

We have more classes coming soon so leave your email in the comments below or email me at to be put on our mailing list for future class announcements. We are working on our website right now and our 2014 class schedule. Our goal is to provide instruction that works with current University and Art school illustration and animation programs or with those who have never attended formal art training.


  1. Hi, Will! Is there a code to enter for the discount? I can't wait to purchase the videos :)

    1. Hi Jen,

      So - there's no discount code - the current price of $75 is 25% of the $100 price that it will be on Nov 10th.

    2. Ok, sounds great! I probably should have clicked and checked first, ha.

  2. ^Sorry but you need to advertise your site somewhere else Payal Sharma

  3. Hi Terry,
    I certainly enjoyed this series. I have been lost between the 2 worlds of traditional & digital art for some time, all along standing still, trying to pick which way to focus. Hallelujah!!! I don't need to pick! I really can incorporate both. This series helped refresh my P.S. skills & I learned some cool new tricks too! Thanks for the needed kickstart and reminder that there is no one way, or right way to use P.S. there are many ways. Main point, just get out there and do it "your way". Time for me to get off the sidelines & get busy!!!

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know Laurie! I can't tell you how excited I am to be able to use technology to connect with people and help them with their dreams. I'm getting just as much out of it - our online students tend to be very committed since they're paying for it out of pocket instead of getting a loan and delaying the pain point. We're honored to be able to take on the responsibility of teaching art.

  4. Hi Terry,
    I'm pretty much starting out and trying to find a way to get the same reaction to my color illustrations as I do to my sketches. I am saving up for a tablet, but not having one means I can't take some of the great classes available online (like this one).

    When I saw Lisa Thompson's results (, I knew this is what I've been waiting for.
    Will I need a tablet to get started right away using the info in this class? Please let me know, as I hope to take advantage of the discount.

    Thanks for your contributions to the kidlit community.

    1. Hi Joanne,

      Yes, I think you'll need a tablet to get started. If money is tight you can look for used ones on ebay and Amazon - I like the intuos 3 series - they are a few years old but they work just great.

  5. This is incredible!!!!! Sorry I've been quiet lately, and I admit I wish I'd been keeping better track of your stuff! Love love love, as always, the play off warms and cools. Oh, so amazing. So good.

    1. Thank you Ginny...yeah - haven't heard from you for a while... :)

  6. Hello Will, this looks very interesting but the site is offline, all I can see is "coming soon". Will this be fixed before the 10th? ;)

  7. Still making my way through all the videos, but so far, I have picked up tips in each class. Thank you for making this available, perfect way to fit learning into my schedule.


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